DULUTH, MN -The city of Duluth is asking for public comment as it considers the future of the Lake Superior and Mississippi Railroad corridor.
The rail-bed that runs along the St. Louis River is set to be torn up to cleanup the former US Steel Duluth Works property.
The original Lake Superior and Mississippi Railroad was the first railroad in Duluth.
“We’re running a 104 year old rail car, so we’re offering the citizens and children and visitors a chance to actually see kind of what Duluth was like in our early stages and experience how many of our ancestors and predecessors and the city actually got here.” Said Joel Manns, a volunteer with the LS&M Railroad.
The railroad is all volunteer run, and operates strictly on the weekends.
But after nearly 150 years, the future of the railroad could be in jeopardy as US Steel prepares to cleanup contamination.
“It’s been a long process with the steel site cleanup that we’ve known is going to be happening for a while, it has always given their future kind of an uncertain direction. So, there has always been a concern on what the outcome for that train is going to be.” Said City Councilor Noah Hobbs.
Once the rail-bed is torn up to re-mediate the US Steel contamination, the city will then consider an option to extend the Western Waterfront trail only, or include a rail and trail option that would keep the railroad on track.
The city is asking for public input, and running their own studies to determine what the railroad brings to Duluth.
“Is this a benefit to the community, is it financially sustainable, does this offer a unique Duluth experience, does this preserve and protect our natural resources.” Said Parks and Recreation Coordinator Lisa Luokkala, explaining what the city is analyzing.
The city has asked for a minimum of a 5 year business plan to determine if the railroad model is lasting. Read Full Story
Source: Future of LS&M Railroad in question – KBJR 6 Your Weather Authority: News, Weather & Sports