Grant Funding

The Duluth Preservation Alliance Grant Program plays a vital role in preserving our local historical heritage by focusing on essential maintenance needs. This program provides critical financial assistance to organizations tasked with caring for historically significant structures. Through these modest yet impactful grants, we strive to foster a sense of pride and connection to the past—for our present and future generations.

Purpose: To provide funding for preservation and restoration of historic properties.

Who: Duluth area community which includes Duluth and surrounding Minnesota communities. Non-profit, educational, religious, and/or public organizations. At this time, the DPA is not providing funds to private or for-profit projects such as for a residence, rental or business. Available to structures within 20 miles of Downtown Duluth.

What: Fund capital improvement projects on historic structures. The Duluth Preservation Alliance will grant a total of $4,000 annually, $2,000 each semi-year and any unused funding will be rolled over to the next year. Grantees can apply for up to $1,000 per application and the money can be used to fund:

  • Exterior facade and envelope
  • Electrical
  • HVAC
  • Plumbing
  • Hazardous material mitigation

Grant funds can also be used for replacing non-historic material necessary for a structure’s continued use (such as replacing non-historic roofs or windows). We look for projects that align with our mission and values (see below).


  1. Structure must be owned by a non-profit, educational, religious, and/or public entity.
  2. Structure must be at least 50 years old and of general historic integrity.
  3. Must have an active fundraising effort for said purpose.
  4. Preference to structures listed on NRHP, local designation, or contributing
    to a historic district. Preference to multiple designations.
  5. Preference to projects preserving historic materials vs restoration.

Timeline for grant distributions.

Choose one of these application methods:

Google Application

Download PDF


The Duluth Preservation Alliance Vision: Protect the past and inspire the future.

The Duluth Preservation Alliance Mission: Being stewards of our historic places by advocating for the past.
Offering education and sustainable solutions to the Duluth area community.

The Duluth Preservation Alliance Values: Education + Stewardship + Vision + Community